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Toute l’actualité d’OTR3

  • Cacipliq 20

    Cacipliq 20® - Chronic wound Regenerating matrix-based therapy for chronic wound healing: a prospective within-subject pilot study Groah SL, Libin A, Spungen M, Nguyen KL, Woods E, Nabili M, Ramella-Roman J, Barritault D. The aim of this study was to determine whether a skin-specific bioengineered regenerating agent (RGTA) heparan [...]

  • Cacipliq 20

    Cacipliq 20® - Post radiation Unexpected healing of radiation-induced scalp lesions with OTR4120, an heparan sulfate mimetic Johan W VAN NECK ,Yolinde S. ZUIDEMA, Marijke SMULDERS, Kurt J. BALMUS Link : Here

  • Cacipliq 20

    Cacipliq 20® - Diabetic Foot Ulcer Matrix Protection Therapy in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Pilot Study of CACIPLIQ20® INES SLIM (MD), HOUDA TAJOURI (MD), DENIS BARRITAULT (PHD), MAHA KACEM NJAH (MD), KOUSSAY ACH (MD), MOLKA CHADLI CHAIEB MD, LARBI CHAIEB (MD) We evaluated whether matrix protection therapy by Cacipliq 20® [...]

  • Cacipliq 20

    Cacipliq 20® - Foot Ulcer Efficacy of a New Heparan Sulfate Mimetic Dressing in the Healing of Foot and Lower Extremity Ulcerations in Type 2 Diabetes: A Case Series Nikolaos Papanas, Costas Demetzos, Natassa Pippa, Efstratios Maltezos and Nicholas Tentolouris A novel heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan mimetic product for local [...]

  • Cacipliq 20

    Cacipliq 20® - hand injury ReGeneraTing Agents (RGTA®) are a new option to improve amputation outcomes in the recovery of severe hand injuries Roohi Sharifah Ahmad and Denis Barritault Cacipliq 20® was used to accelerate the healing process and stimulate the viability of flaps and skin grafts, thereby improving [...]