Dermatology | Media Publications
Merel Gansevoort 1 , SabineWentholt 1, Gaia Li Vecchi 1, Marjolein de Vries 1, Elly M. M. Versteeg 1, Bouke K. H. L. Boekema 2,3 , Agnes Choppin 4, Denis Barritault 4, Franck Chiappini 4 , Toin H. van Kuppevelt 1 and Willeke F. Daamen 1,* Fibrosis after full-thickness wound [...]
Lungs/Poumons | Media Publications
Laurie Perdigon (1) , Manon Barthe (1) , Hanan Osman-Ponchet (1) , Agnes Choppin (2) , Franck Chiappini (2) Human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS) are a promising ex vivo model for respiratory research. These thin, precisely-cut tissues, obtained from fresh lungs using a vibrating microtome, retain the native 3D architecture [...]
Lungs/Poumons | Media Publications
Manon Barthe (1) , Laurie Perdigon (1) , Hanan Osman-Ponchet (1) , Agnès Choppin (2) , Franck Chiapini (2) Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive, restrictive lung disease characterized by scarring and stiffening of lung tissue, ultimately leading to respiratory failure. This condition is driven by the excessive proliferation and migration [...]
Lungs/Poumons | Media Publications
Laurie Perdigon (1) , Manon Barthe (1) , Jean-Paul Thénot (1) , Franck Chiappini (2) , Agnes Choppin (2) , Hanan Osman-Ponchet (1) Occurrence of diffuse alveolar damage is a real storm in the course of pulmonary diseases leading to an acute and/or chronic inflammatory processes with poorly understood etiologies [...]
Latest Publications | Lungs/Poumons | Media Publications | On-going research
Hanan Osman-Ponchet (1) , Laurie Perdigon (1) , Manon Barthe (1) , Ines Metatla (2) , Kevin Rogers (2) , Ida Chiara Guerrera (2) , Franck Chiappini (3) , Agnes Choppin (3) Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive lung disease characterized by scarring and stiffening of lung tissue, ultimately leading to [...]
News | Non classé
Nous sommes ravis de présenter, à l'occasion du congrès ESTIV 2024 à Prague, un poster et une présentation orale sur notre projet MAT-PL (ANR-MAT-PL/ANR-22-CE18-0013), en collaboration avec PKDERM, sur "SUCCESSFUL GENERATION OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL HUMAN PRECISION-CUT LUNG SLICES FOR PULMONARY FIBROSIS MODELING". ESTIV_00118[74]
DERMAPLIQ | Media Publications
Abstract: This study aimed to compare incisional wound healing in cats and dogs after the topical application of Manuka honey and a new medical device, Dermapliq. Comparisons were made between each treatment and control, between the two treatments, and between dogs and cats. Twelve cats and twelve dogs were [...]