DERMAPLIQ | Media Publications
Abstract: This study aimed to compare incisional wound healing in cats and dogs after the topical application of Manuka honey and a new medical device, Dermapliq. Comparisons were made between each treatment and control, between the two treatments, and between dogs and cats. Twelve cats and twelve dogs were [...]
Clerapliq -RGTA® or ReGeneraTing Agents mimic heparan sulfate in regenerative medicine: from concept to curing patients Denis Barritault & Marie Gilbert-Sirieix & Kim Lee Rice & Fernando Siñeriz & Dulce Papy-Garcia & Christophe Baudouin & Pascal Desgranges & Gilbert Zakine & Jean-Louis Saffar8 & Johan van Neck Abstract The [...]
Dermapliq - Regenerating matrix-based therapy for chronic wound healing Suzanne L Groah, Alexander Libin, Miriam Spungen, Kim-Loan Nguyen, Earthaleen Woods, Marjan Nabili, Jessica Ramella-Roman, Denis Barritault The aim of this study was to determine whether a skin-specific bioengineered regenerating agent (RGTA) heparan sulphate mimetic (CACIPLIQ20) improves chronic wound healing. [...]
Clerapliq -Prise en charge médicale des ulcères cornéens avec RGTA - FR AbstractVet #22 - Septembre 2015 Utilisation des RGTA pour la gestion des plaies Link : Here
Dermapliq - Regenerating matrix-based therapy for chronic wound healing Suzanne L Groah, Alexander Libin, Miriam Spungen, Kim-Loan Nguyen, Earthaleen Woods, Marjan Nabili, Jessica Ramella-Roman, Denis Barritault The aim of this study was to determine whether a skin-specific bioengineered regenerating agent (RGTA) heparan sulphate mimetic (CACIPLIQ20) improves chronic wound healing. [...]